Join us FEBRUARY 24-25, 2022


The John Wesley Foundation of

St. Louis sponsors the

ST. LOUIS HOLINESS CONVENTION annually on the last Thursday and Friday of February.



Truth without power can never meet the challenge of our day.  Unless the truth we speak is delivered in and by the Spirit we will never win souls. 
This is a spiritual battle.   

Winning hearts, Transforming minds, Changing lives 


The Speakers and Organizers of the SLHC are anxious to spread the truth of holiness by publishing

insightful and inspiring literature.


Meals are provided for a freewill offering, lodging at a discount. We are doing our best to make this convention accessible to all who want to come.

...To proclaim full salvation through Jesus Christ for whosoever will.
...To advance and to promote the Scriptural doctrine of holiness of heart and life.

“Follow peace with all men, and holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14
...To lead those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness into the experience of heart purity until the Holy Spirit witnesses with their spirit that they are cleansed from all unrighteous.

 “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly;  and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto

   the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.”  1 Thessalonians 5:23
...To meet together with those of like precious faith for edification, exhortation, and encouragement.


"Give me ONE HUNDRED men who LOVE ONLY GOD with ALL THEIR HEART and HATE ONLY SIN with all their heart, and we will SHAKE THE GATES OF HELL and bring in the KINGDOM OF GOD in one generation."

John Wesley, Father of Methodism